Locations and policy.
Federation policy - Eduroam
- Rectorate CU in Ružomberok, Hrabovská cesta 1A, Ružomberok
- University Library CU in Ružomberok, Hrabovská cesta 1A, Ružomberok
- Faculty of Education CU in Ružomberok, Hrabovská cesta 1, Ružomberok
- Faculty of Education CU in Ružomberok, Nám. A. Hlinku 64, Ružomberok
- Faculty of Arts and Letters CU in Ružomberok, Hrabovská cesta 1, Ružomberok
- Faculty of Health CU in Ružomberok, Nám. A. Hlinku 48, Ružomberok
- Dormitories Ruža CU in Ružomberok, Plavisko 36, Ružomberok
- Dormitories C-block CU in Ružomberok, Hrabovská cesta 1, Ružomberok
Network setting.
Configuration parameters:
- Wlan SSID: eduroam
- Authentication: WPA2 Enterprise
- Security: AES (WPA2)
- Network authentication: PEAP/MS-CHAPv2
- IP address: DHCP
- DNS server: DHCP
Your login is: AIS2login@ku.sk (login must be with domain).
You need to create a password on a web page abakus.ku.sk.
To set up your operating system automatically, download the CAT (Configuration Assistant Tool) application, which you can download from:
Dormitories network
You have to enable 802.1x authentication to access the ethernet network at dormitories.
- Dormitories C-block, Hrabovská cesta 1, Ružomberok.
- Dormitories Ruža, Plavisko 36, Ružomberok.
- Loft FE CU Jezuiti, Námestie A. Hlinku 56/1, Ružomberok.
If you want to enable authentication 802.1x, you need to follow this instruction.
Instructions to setting for MS Windows 7 to 10.
Instructions to setting for OSX.
Technical support.
In case of any problems with connection to wireless network, at first, please contact your faculty helpdesk and only after contact UIKT helpdesk.
Technical support is not provided for external users of eduroam network. If you are an external user, please follow the instructions of your home institution.
Faculty of Education CU
Mgr. Jozef Čisarik
mail: jozef.cisarik@ku.sk
phone: +421 907 443 550
Bc. Miriam Kršková
mail: miriam.krskova@ku.sk
phone: +421 905 190 789
Faculty of Arts and Letters CU
Mgr. Marek Hasák
mail: marek.hasak@ku.sk
phone: +421 907 199 312
Faculty of Health CU
Mgr. Milan Kaman
mail: milan.kaman@ku.sk
phone: +421 918 722 185
Dep. I&C CU
Ing. Jana Kollárová
mail: jana.kollarova@ku.sk
phone: +421 918 337 437